Minggu, 08 Juni 2008




27 202 098



A. Background of the problem
Language is a social aspect of human life, because language is the most important means of social communication among the members of society. Without language, it seems impossible for people to communicate smoothly. The development of human civilization is to be resulted from the regular society contact that of course involves the use of language.
Language is also closely related to the human thought because language is actually the realization of what one is thinking or the oral representation of human thought. We cannot think without language, it is because we use language in our mind when we are thinking. Thus, since human behavior, habit and customs are underlined by way of thinking. Language is closely related to those behavior, habits and customs
In this chapter, the writer has done research to the students of SDN Tobungan II Galis Pamekasan at the sixth grade on December 26, 2007. This paper tells about “ERROR ANALYSIS OF LEARNING ENGLISH AS THE SECOND LANGUAGE IN THE SIXTH GRADE OF SDN TOBUNGAN II GALIS PAMEKASAN MADURA”
The writer did observation to know their abilty in absorb language, focused on English writing ability. In this paper, Population is the sixth grade of SDN Tobungan II Galis Pamekasan. The sixth garde consists of 28 students, because limited students, Population are used as sample. To collect the data, the writer asks to the students to write in English about anything what they know either their experiences or their school etc. the writer puts 10 paper result of their writing in this paper.
As English language is foreign language that the students are learned, after they learn madura language and Indonesian language as FLA and SLA, English language is programmed in elementary school from the fourth grade until sixth grade. There are many students will get difficulty in learning it, especially in writing, they will find many element or pattern (grammar) which diffirent from their language either mother tongue or indonesian language.
However, learning English has an importance role for the students of elementary school. The first, as elementary students, they have to have strong and good motivation to learn English language as basic to face next study in junior and senior high school in which English has been programmed in a school. The second, they are easy to accept international information, which usually use English, either scientific, book, magazine, or newspaper even television, radio, or internet that nowadays has been grown and developed in Indonesia. Finally, they can learn English language through those media.
B. Identification of the problem
Todays, English has become lesson program in elementary school as additional lesson. But there are many students get problem in learning it, one of the problem faced in English writing forms. May be it seems simple problem, as it just deals subject, tobe or verb and complements, but if it is more learned would make meaning of sentences are different and uncorrected.
Error or mistake in learning language especially English writimg is usual, but as learners or teachers, we must minimize the error, so our English will be better especially in writing.
C. Problem formulation
Based on the background and the identification problem, the problems can be formulated as follows:
1. How is the student’s abilty in English writing?
2. How is the student’s error in English writing?
D. Objective of problem
Based on the problem formulation above, the object of problem can be formulated below:
1. To know the students’s ability in English writing.
2. To know kind of error or mistakes who is done by 10 students

E. Benefits of study
1. For the teachers and the students and anyone else who involved in learning English as an international language could use the research finding as a source for their instruction in the teaching – learning process.
2. For writer, the writer can know the students’s ability in learning English especially in writing and the writer can learn how to teach English well in elementary school by knowing their innate capacity or acquisition.


In this chapter, the writer considers that it is important to review several topics used in this study, in order to reach literature in work. To support the theory some books and other printed work are applied as reference in this paper.
A. Definition
1. Second language acquisition (SLA)
SLA: The language plays an institutional and social in community or any language learned later in life.
According to hand out of Mr. Imam G in Psycholinguistic # 7 said:
SLA is any language / s a child learns (learning process) after the L1
(Usually after the age of 5). Second language (SL) becomes umberella terms for second and foreign languages (FL). Both differ in terms of on frequency of use and political affiliation of corresponding country.
§ Frequency of use refers to the extent to which the language is used to fulfill the wide range of communicative needs of the speakers. The frequently used indicators are needed of communication at home, smaller and larger community, public services, education, work place, and religious services.
§ Political affilition refers to the status that the language acquires in certain region/country. In the case of english in indonesia, the status was awarded through the political decision of ministry of education on behalf the indonesian government in 1967.
The theories:
a. Behaviorism
According to hand out of Mr. Imam G in Psycholinguistic # 7 said:
The theory claims that language learning undergoes the same process of learning of other fields, that habit formation (S R R). Briefly the process involves providing linguistic. Stimuli in order to that the learner produces Response which is appropriate or correct to the S. If the learner can do so the teacher should give Reinforcement. But when the learner can not do so, or makes inappropriate or incorrect response, the teacher should nor give R. she / he should corect the mistake to avoid the formation of bad habit (habit of making incorect forms). To help learner produces the expected or correcr R, the provision of S should be repeated over and over, called over learning. So as the case with production of R by the SL/FL learner. By means of this the bond between S and R becomes authomatic, when this is established the new habit formation is completed.
To facilitate te habit formation process, behaviorism applies principles of contrastive analysis (CA). They believe that as the learner has established L1, thie cognitive capacity is filled with system of L1. When the learner wants to learn another habit, that is habit of L2, the L1 system dominates the process. This means that all forms, or rules, simliar to the L1 will be easily learned or established. But when the forms are different, they become potential problems (inference) in learning.
Therefore, CA belives that the learning process will be facilitated when there is an analysis of the system of both of languages (L1 &L2). Based on comparison, some same rules or forms will facilitate the learning, while differences will become constraints. Teacher should be aware that establishing different form would take more thought and energy.
In classroom, the form of behaviorism can be seen from some methods of language teaching, especially Audio Lingual Method (ALM) or Aural- Oral Method (AOM). The teaching procedure in these methods consists of teacher providing S, learner makes R, teacher gives R. Habit formed in First language can interfere with L2 learning. Audiolingualism (stimuli and reinforcement.)

b. Innatism
According to hand out of Mr. Imam G in Psycholinguistic # 8 said:
The theory claims that every child was born with some innate capacities, one of which is specially used to process languages. It means the nature of language learning is different from learning other fields. This specific capacity consists of underlying abstract representation or rules or grammar, which is also called univesal rules of language or more popularly called universal grammar (UG). This consists of a set of potential rules that becomes materialized (mastery of language rules) after they get (largely subconcious) exposure of language input.
Two important isssues concerning this theory deals with access to the UG, and age:
§ There is split argument on the first issue. Some innatists believe that learners cannot access UG to process L2 the same way as they do for L1. This is because the facility of UG has been used in the FLA. (This is called no access) some other innatists contend that learners still get the same access to UG to process L2 the same way as they do in L1,( this is called full access). Some others still believe that to some extent learners still can access UG to process L2 but not as much as when they process L1,( this is called limited access). Therefore, the SLA process is said to undergo from their acquired modalisties. i.e. L1.
§ The second issue concerns with age. Briefly stated, problem revolves around biological condition, especially the brain capacity of the power to process the language. In ordinary word, in can be formulated whether languge learning process differ as a function of age. On the other hand, adults learn the language the same or different way from children. Answer to this problem should be referred to the basic claim that the children were born with some innate capacity, especially LAD consisting of UG. UG is biological factor and it can change with age. The answer to this problem relates to access and age. E. Lenneberg (1967) proposed a critical period hypothesis (CPH) for language learning in that biological condition changes at puberty. The biological condition after puberty makes adult-learners hard to learn any language to develop complete mastery of second language in the same way as children do for their L1. Lamandela, although claims that such access is different between children and adult, believes with efforts complete mastery is still possible.
However, some research results reveal that:
§ Adults may learn more quickly than children in short term.
§ Adults who are good classroom learners may learn more efficiently than young children language classrooms.
§ Those who begin learning when they are younger and continue learning may ultimately reach a higher level of proficiency than those who begin adults, especially in learning pholonological components. Evidence of this can be observed from quality of pronounciation of learners learning the language from early ago and those learning after puberty.
The application of innate theory in real classroom can be seen in kreshen and Terrel’s theory of natural approach and expressed in terms of saveral hypothesies.
According to hand out of Mr. Imam G in Psycholinguistic # 9 said:
The hypotheses are accomodated in terms of natural approach which was first proposed by Terrell in 1977 and later reformulated by Kreshen and Terrell in 1983. Then the reformulated theory called “hypotheses” was formulated by Kreshen in 1985.
The five and later become Six hypotheses are:
1. The Acquisition Vs Learning Hypothesis
This says that there are two possible broad model of learning: learning and acquisition. Learning is a process that undergoes ‘concious learning’ that is ‘rule-based’ explicit teaching-the process typically taking place in regular language classroom.
The other model is called acquisition in which learners ‘subconciously learn’ the language focusing on meaningful interaction. The natural hypothesis is favour of the acquisition process because it enables learners use language in meaningful communication. To Forster the acquisition should be exposed to an input-rich environment with plentiful opportunities to do meaning-based communication.
It is concluded that there are two distinct ways of developing competence (see; kreshen):
Acquisition: real communication
Learning: knowing about language.

Similar to child FLA
“Picking up” a language
Implicit language.
Formal language doesn’t help

Formal knowledge of language
“Knowing about” a language
Explicit language
Formal teaching helps

2. The Monitor Hypotesis (Checking grammar)
Result of learning process serves as monitor to check the language production if conditions are permitted. Use of monitor requires enough time, knowledge of the rules and a focus on the necessary forms. However, monitor does not lead to acqusition.
3. The Natural Order Hypothesis
SLA, like FLA, follows a natural order (natural route). Differences from adult, first language grammars are not errors but indication of natural development.

4. The Input Hypothesis
Acquisition is forstered by plentiful input that is at a level beyond the learner’s level of comprehension. This can be expressed in the form of i + 1, in which i = current level of language development / comprehension. 1 = a level slightly higher than / beyond the current level.
To provide comprehensible input, the teacher should provide in put at the approprite level which is input with plenty opportunities for meaningful interaction. If this is provided, acqusition will take place.
We acquire (not learn) language by understanding input that is a little beyond our current level of (acquired) competence.
5. The Affective Fiter Hypothesis
This hypothesis claims that three is an affective filter component in the acquisition process. This component affects language indirectly acting as a barrier, if the affective filter is high or becomes facilitator if it is low. The affective filter can be raised when learners are overly anxious, lack self-confidence in their ability and poorly motivation, low anxiety, or non-threatening athmosphere can be created, the affective factor will not in habit the process, and acquisition will be facilitated.
6. Reading Hypothesis
Reading acts as a kind of input that extends acquisition especially for reading comprehension, writing style, vocabulary, spelling and advances grammar competence.
c. Interactionist
Based on Mr. Imam’s hand out # 10 was said:
1. Theoritical framwork
This theory is influenced by sociolinguistics views and language as a means of communication. Briefly, it is sated that language learning involves learners in real communication process in which the environment and innate capacity play important roles. More specifically, the theory addresses components of interactio such as input, negotiation, out put, and interacton feedback. The followings are some facts on the theory.
- a research is found that adult language learners find it easly to understand the input when the task is modified. Modification is designed to simplify the language. For example:
Q how do you want to egg fried? Do you want the egg fried or half-done?
Result shows that such as modification help less professional language users, i.g. language learner easier to be engged in conversation. The more she or he engaged in conversation, the further their language competency improves.
- Language development would be more enhanced through negotiation of meaning.
T: yes, can I help you?
S: need… (Shows hand movement to nail in)
T: do you need something to drive the nail in the wood? (Repeats the movement)
S: yes…yes
T: ooh, so need ahammer, then
S: yes, a hammer.. I need a hammer…
Negotiations of meaning help the learners engaged in conversation longer and help them to communicate effectively. This way she or he should develop more language proficiency. This example also shows that the language development depends on the learner’s involvement in interactionduring which she or he comes across many minor process such as identifying language input, negotiation of meaning, feedback, etc. all of this do not neglect the other theories that put the role environment, or the child’s innate capacity for the final development of second language mastery.
2. Practical aspect
The application of this theory in classroom language learning teaching can be seen from communicative language methodology (CTL). Although, there are partially unlimited numbers of CLT models, some common principles can be summarized as follows:
More learners-centered and less teacher-centered classes.
Little reliance on driil work, memorization and rule-based learning.
Use of pair and group work.
Contextualized teaching of vocabulary and grammar.
Less explicit, rule-based teaching of vocabulary and grammar.
Exposure to language as communication is emphasized.
Some attempts to address pragmatic aspects of language.
According to Mrs. Yuyun’s hand out is said that there are basic principle in learning FL & SL.
Basic principle of both FL & SL
ü Acquisition occurs through learners figuring out how the languages work.
ü Learners need opportunities to use and experiment with the new language.
ü Mistakes are natural and inevitable part of language learning.
Natural basic principle
ü Acquisition occurs through social interaction in authentic communication setting.
ü Learners need to talk with each other and need to have language inout from others.

2. Interlanguage
English as second language or interlanguage of Indonesia has different from in learning process, according to Mr. Imam’s hand out # 12, language learnng process can be described to embark from completely no mastery of SL (called MT point, or L1) to prorass towards native like mastery (target language condition, or L2). The process which reflects to movement from zero point towards the native like mastery can be seen to consist of stages. These stages are real but difficult to describe with out proper indicators and labels.
The stages closer to zero point reflect the relative distance to the target, while those closer to the native-like point reflects the relative distance to the zero point. All the stages can be cosidered as interlanguage, which is kind o f language which lies between the MT and the TL.
MT: mother tongue. TL: third language.
From O master : it means, there are many steps to learn interlanguages, for example, someone learns english from elementary school upto senior high school, even upto university.
a. Interlanguage
Interlanguage is the type of laguage produced by second and foreign language learners in the process of mastering the laguage, thus called interlanguage (IL). IL is characterized by its different features from those of L1 & L2. The second is that it is systematic, not random. The kind of language has a system of its own, which to some extend is simiar to those of L1 & or TL. The third is that it is dynamic in that it moves to the direction of more and more similar to the mature TL features as the learning process proceeds, but it also fossilizes if learning process stops at a certain period where the learning is incomplete. The forth is that it is independent from both the learners’ L1 &TL systm she or he is trying to learn.

b. Error VS mistake
In learning of second language is often found many error language or make sentence either in writing or oral language, because according to Mr. Imam’s hand out # 12,
In interlangauge system, the different (between L1 & TL system) is often referred to as error. Error is different from mistake in that it reflects” learner’s competence” while mistakes occur because of some other causes such as – false start, fatigue, short memory or other physical and emotional condition. In this context, errors can be used as a measurement to reveal the degree of mastery of L2. Therefore, to reveal learner’s language mastery linguisticts devise error analysis study. This tries to reveal what systems a learner have mastered and which are still in the process of learning.
c. Error analysis (EA)
In EA errors can be clsified into two:
1. Interlingual error is an error which results from language transfer, which is caused by the learners’ native language transfer. It sometimes is called negative transfer. It can be seen as borrowing patterns from mother tongue.
2. Intralingual error is one which results from faulty of partial learning of the target language. Interlingual error may be caused by the influence of one target language item upon another.
d. Surface level taxonomy
From the type of errors commited there are four types of errors, they are: 1. Movement, 2. Addition, 3. Deletion, and 4. Substitution.
e. Significance of errors
Study of errors gives information that they show the developmental satge, problems faced by learners, show attempts, and show their creativity.

School of though in SLA

Time frame School of thought Typecal themes
Early 1900s & 1940s 1950s Structuralism& behaviorism ü Description.
ü Observable performance.
ü Scientific method.
ü Empiricism
ü Surface structure
ü Conditioning, reinforcement
1960s & 1970 Rationalism& cognitive psychology ü Generative lingualistics
ü Acquisition, innateness
ü Interlanguage systematicity
ü Universal grammar
ü Competence
ü Deep structure
1980s,1990s and early 2000 constructivism ü Intractive discourse
ü Sociocultural variables
ü Cooperative group learning
ü Interlinguage variability
ü Interactionist hypotheses

To support the observation, the writer wants to know the character of young children. According to Wendy A.Scott & Libeth H. Yireberg (2003:2), In Teaching English to children said:
The character of the young language learner:
1) They know that the world is governed by rules. They may not always understand the rules, but they know that they are there to be obeyed and the rules help to nurture a feeling of security.
2) They understand situation more quikly and they understand the language used.
3) They use language skill long before they are a ware of them.
4) Their own understanding comes through hand, eyes, and ears. Physical world is dominant at all time.
5) Young children are enthusiastic and positive about learning.
It means, we all thrive on doing well and being praised for what we do and this is especially true for kids. It is important to praise them if they keep their enthusiasm and feel successful from the beginning.
From those characteritic, it can be concluded that young children have habit to improve their innate capacity by hearing what the people said. They learn language word by word through social interaction. As according to J.D.O. Cannor (1967:1) in Better English pronounciation said:
“Language starts with the ear. When a baby stars to talk, he does it by hearing the sound his mother makes and imitating them “
So, it can be concluded that Language is habit:
a. Speaking is mouth-action: so, you must use your mouth.
b. Reading is mouth and eye-action: so, you must use your mouth.
c. Listening is ear-action: so, you must use your ear.
d. Writing is hand-action: so, must use your action.
Someone can speak depend on hearing, but just hearing, it is not enough, she or he must listen to it, and it is not for the meaning but for the sound of it. It means that language is habit.
B. Function
Language is very important for human life. English language is one of the tools of communication in international community. Therefore, English is needed here because not only English is used to communicate in international community, but also the fact that this language is mostly needed in transferring the knowledge of modern technology, scientific publications, books, newspaper and magazine.
In learning a language especially in writing, it is needed a good ways. In the other word, learning English can be begun early when children still in elementary school, in a good writing can be learned by over learning either in school or at home, minimally, the children can write in their diary about experience, school, and friends.


1. Type of study
In this chapter, field research is used as type of study. The objects of the research are the sixth grade of SDN Tobungan II Galis Pamekasan. Field research is used to describe the reality of students’ abilty in English writing as second language.
2. Students background
Internal factors, In SDN Tobungan II Galis, English lesson has done at lesson curriculum since 5 years ago. Start from the fourth grade to the sixth grade.
External factors, most of students take English courses, so they have known basic English either grammar or speaking.
The writer hopes, they are more know how to write in English, because they have basic in learning English.
3. Time and place of study
The writer took observation on December 26, 2007. In SDN Tobungan II Galis Pamekasan Madura at the sixth grade.
4. Data Source
Data source is used to complete or to support this paper. To collect data is used some sources, they are:
a) Library Research
Library research is needed to determine basic grammatical structures, vocabulary and examples which guided us in learning process and to support the theoretical review and to process the paper’s contents.
b) Reference books
Reference books are needed to support data; in reference books many ideas and opinions can be found. They are used to make the data valid and actual
5. Data collection techniques and procedures
The writer took data from the students’s writing, the writer said to students to arrange their experience, school and other by English language. Before it, the writer told his experience in fronth of the class.
6. Data analysis techniques
The writer used data analysis techniques by collecting all students’ writing. There are 28 students of sixth grade and the writer just put 11 the students’ writing in this paper to descriptive error analyze were represented
The analyzed was to find out the errors that have been done by students. The errors were including of interlingual errors, intralingual errors, movement, addition, deletion, substitution.


1. Data analysis and Discussion
In this chapter, the writer wants to know how the students’ abilty in English writing. . To get data about it, the writer did observation by getting their result writing of the sixth grade. In writing, the writer focuses at their mastery in explainning and arrangging sentences.
2. Error Analysis
Analysis # 1
My name is Muarif in lebaran day I go to my grand father house in Sampang. Iam meet my cousin and my uncle and my auut. I am very happy go to there because my grand father and my grand mother give me money and goes to my uncle and my auut house

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 in lebaran day I go to my grand father house in Sampang √ √
2 Iam meet my cousin √ √
3 my auut √ √
my grand father and my grand mother give me money √ √
5 goes to my uncle √ √
6 my auut house √ √
1.”in lebaran day I go to my grand father house in Sampang” it is error on structure, because it tells about past event, so it must use past tense. It should be “in lebaran day I went to my grand father house in sampang”
2. “Iam meet my cousin” it is error on sentence and structure, any addition word “am” and it past: S+V2+O, so it should be “I met my cousin”
3. and 6 " my auut” it is error on sentence “auut”should be change “aunt”
4.” my grand father and my grand mother give me money” ” it is error on structure, because it tells about past event, so it must use past tense. It should be” my grand father and my grand mother gave me money”
5. “goes to my uncle” ” it is error on structure, because it tells about past event, so it must use past tense. It should be “went to my uncle….”
Analysis # 2.
My name is Afiatul-kamilah my daily activity at 05.00 o’clock, Iam get up and praying subuh, and sweep my house, at 06.00 Iam take bath and go to school at 06.30 until 12.00 and go home, at 13.00 o’clock I go to madrasah until 16.00 o’clock and at 17.00 I go to mosque to study Al-qur’an until 19.30 and at 20.00 o’clock I study in my house until 21.00 o’clock and sleep.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 Iam get up √ √
2 praying subuh √ √
3 Iam take bath √ √
4 I go to madrasah √ √
1. “Iam get up” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be “I get up”,
2. “praying subuh” error on structure, it tells about daily activity, so it must use present tense, it should be “pray subuh”
3. “Iam take bath” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be “ I take bath”
4. “I go to madrasah” error on sentence, it should be “ I go to islamic school “
Analysis # 3
Iam Fisqihaflatul qodasih I am a student in SDN Tobungan II, my hobby is playing volly ball, every day I exercise with my friend at 16.00 PM. I’m ever playing with other school in competition and my school tobe winner.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 every day √ √
2 I’m ever playing √ √
1. “every day” error on sentence, it should be “ everyday”
2. “I’m ever playing” error on structure, because it tells about past event, so it must use past tense. It should be “ I was ever playing”
Analysis # 4
My name is Rika midiawati my kol name is Rika I am live with my peren and I have 2 brother and 1 sister. My peren tobe farmel. Iam School SDN Tobungan II. Iam six class Iam have 28 friend my hobby is swimming Iam swim one a week I like swim because I waut to be police.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 I am live √ √
2 my peren √ √
3 have 2 brother √ √
4 tobe farmel √ √
5 Iam School √ √
6 Iam six class √ √
7 Iam have √ √
8 28 friend √ √
9 Iam swim √ √
10 one a week √ √
11 I waut to be police. √ √
1. “I am live” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be
“I live”
2. “my peren” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “ parent” teacher’s pronounce “peren”it should be “parent”
3. “have 2 brother” error on structure (plural), any deleting word “s” in sentence brothers, it should be “ have 2 brothers”
4. “tobe farmel” error on sentence, it is becaused wrong in hearing, it should be “ tobe farmer”
5. “Iam School” error on structure, it should be “ my school”
6. “Iam six class” error on structure, it should be “ my class is sixth”
7. “Iam have” error on structure, it should be “ I have”
8. “28 friend “error on structure (plural), any deleting word “s” in sentence friends, it should be “ 28 friends”
9. “Iam swim” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be
“I swim”
10. “one a week” error on structure, it should be “ once a week”
11. “I waut to be police” error on structure, it should be “ I want to be police”
Analysis # 5
My name is Nur Faizah. Iam born in pamekasan 16 November 1995. Now Iam in SDN Tobungan II at six class. My hobby is reading book. I want tobe teacher. I want to continue my studied in yonior high school SMPN five

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 Iam born √ √
2 yonior high √ √
3. “Iam born” error on structure, because it tells about past event, so it must use past tense. It should be “I was born”
4. “yonior high” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “ junior” teacher’s pronounce” yunior” it should be “ junior high”
Analysis # 6
My name is Fajriatussoleha my school ever go to the zoo in surabaya I like because I can know all animal. In the zoo there is elepent, tiger, camel, giraffe, monkey, many bird. Every year my school SDN Tobungan II go to recreation to the zoo in surabaya.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 my school ever go to √ √
2 many bird √ √
3 School SDN Tobungan II go to √ √
1. .” my school ever go to” error on structure, any deletion word “es” in go, it should be “my school ever goes to”.
2. “many bird” error on structure ( plural), any deletion word “s” in bird, it should be “ many birds”
3. “School SDN Tobungan II go to” error on structure, any deletion word “es” in go, it should be “my school ever goes to”.

Analysis #7
May name is Rahman hidayat may nick name Dayat may hobby sport may fovoriet food is rice Iam six class in SDN Tobungan II I wan tobe police I live in Tobungan village.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 May name is Rahman √ √
2 may hobby sport √ √
3 may fovoriet food √ √
1. “May name is Rahman” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “my” teacher’s pronounce”may” it should be “ my name is rahman”
2. “may hobby sport” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “my” teacher’s pronounce”may” and error structure, after noun + tobe/ v +o, it should be “ my hobby is sport”
3. “may fovoriet food” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “my” teacher’s pronounce”may” it should be “ my favoriet food”
Analysis # 8
My name is Helwiana, my call name is Hel my complete name is Helwiana, my school in SDN Tobungan II everday I goes to school on foot, because Iam near with my school, my address in tobungan village. My hobby is reading book and my faforiet food is rice I want tobe teacher.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 I goes to school √ √
2 my faforiet food √ √
3 I want tobe teacher. √ √
1. “I goes to school” error on structure, any addition word “es”. It should be “I go to school”
2. “my faforiet food” error on sentence,it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “faforiet” teacher’s pronounce” favoriet” it should be “ my favoriet food”
3. “I want tobe teacher.” Error on structure, it should be “ I want to be a teacher”
Analysis # 9
My name is Moh Nur holisin, Iam live in Tobungan fillage, may school is SDN Tobungan II, May class is six class. May favorite food is rice I wan tobe a teacher. I hev 28 friend in six class, my hobby is reading book.

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 Iam live √ √
2 Tobungan fillage √ √
3 may school is SDN Tobungan II √ √
4 , May class √ √
5 May favorite food √ √
6 I wan tobe a teacher √ √
7 . I hev √ √
8 28 friend in √ √
1. “I am live” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be
“I live”
2.“Tobungan fillage” error on sentence, it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “fillage” teacher’s pronounce” village” it should be “ Tobungan village”
3. “may school is SDN Tobungan II “error on sentence,it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “may” teacher’s pronounce”my” it should be “ my school is SDN Tobungan II.
4. “May class” error on sentence,it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “may” teacher’s pronounce”my” it should be “ my class”
5. “May favorite food” error on sentence,it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “may” teacher’s pronounce”my” it should be “ my favorite food”
6. “I wan tobe a teacher” error on sentence, any deletion word”t” in wan, it should be “ I want to be a teacher”
7. “I hev” error on sentence,it is becaused influend on L1 when she hear “hev” teacher’s pronounce”have” it should be “ I have”
8. “28 friend in” error on structure (plural), any deleting word “s” in sentence friends, it should be “ 28 friends”
Analysis # 10
My name is Bahrur Rosi my daily activities are at 05.00 o’clock, I get up and pray subuh and hielp my mother to sweap my house, at 05.30 Iam take bath and at 06.00 Iam eating together with my sister and brother and at 06.30 Iam and my brother and sister go to school and at 12.00 I go home at 13.00 o’clock I go to school again in islamic school until 16.00 and 17.00 I “go to mosque to study al quran until 19.00 o’clock at 20.00 until 21.00 Iam study in my house

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 hielp my mother √ √
2 to sweap my house √ √
3 Iam take bath √ √
4 Iam and my brother √ √
5 Iam study √ √

1. “hielp my mother” error on sentence, any addition word “i”, it should be “ help my mother”
2. “ to sweap my house” error on sentence, “ to sweap my house “ should be “ to sweep my house”
3. “ Iam take bath” ” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be “ I take bath”
4. “Iam and my brother” error on structure, any addition word “ am” it should be “ I am and my brother”
5. “Iam study” error on structure, any addition word “ am” it should be “ I study”
Analysis # 11
My name is Haqiqotul Maghfiroh, my activities is at five o’clock Iam get up and pray subuh at 06.00 o’clock Iam take bath and Iam go to school at 06.30 o’clock until 12.00, at 13.00 until 16.00 Iam study in madrasah and at 16.30 Iam playing foot ball, at 17.30 Iam go to mosque to study Al quran until 19.30 . at 20.00 until 21.00 I watch television at 21.00 Iam sleep

No Erroneous sentences Types of errors
Intra Inter Mov Add Del Sub
1 activities is at five √ √
2 Iam take bath √ √
3 Iam go to √ √
4 Iam study √ √
5 Iam go to √ √
6 Iam sleep √ √
1. “Activities is at five” error on structure (plural), it should be “activities are at five “
2. “Iam take bath” error on structure, any addition word” am” it should be “ I take bath”
3. “Iam go to” error on structure, any addition word “am”. It should be “ I go to”
4. “Iam study” error on structure, any addition word “ am” it should be “ I study”
5. “Iam go to” error on structure, any addition word “am”. It should be “ I go to”
6. “Iam sleep” error on structure, any addition word “am”. It should be “ I sleep”
Based on those tables above, it can be concluded that absorbing and imitating level of students’s developing innate capacity and writing are depended on their environment by hearing language and the ability in learning grammar. We can see among the students, they have different ability in mastering language, such as – in writing, speaking and reading activities. The higher level in learning – the higher level in mastering language.


A. Conclusion
As human being, we always get in touch with other people and getting information through: our parent, friends, teachers and any body else wherever and whenever even foreigners and others media such as - books, magazine, newspaper, televistion, radio and internet. But how we do it? Surely, we carry it out by speaking, writing, listening and reading what sort of tools do we use to it. To answer this question, every body is bound to know it obviously that we use language to speak, write, read, and listen.
Children learn language based on what they hear in environment and what they already know about the world, the fluency and accurately and contextually in mastering language depend on how fast their brain process to contruct all input they got. Social interaction is very important to develop the child innate capacity. So, Environment has important role to be success in learning language, because a good environment is not a luxury, but a necessity. It means that learning language needs a habit in environment. So, to success in learning language, we must live in area in which the language is used
Based on the description of the chapter IV, and the result of analysis, it can be concluded as follows:
The kind of errors writing in English were made by the sixth grade of SDN Tobungan II Galis Pamekasan were interlaguage error, intralinguage error, deletion, addition, and substitution. Based on result finding, there were 38 numbers of intralingual errors, 15 numbers of interlingual errors, 3 numbers of movement, 18 numbers of addition, 14 numbers of deletion and 18 numbers of substitution.
Based on the result finding, the most error is intralingual, it is becaused most of them have taken English courses, beside that English has been learned in their school. So, they have basic in learning English and understanding grammatical structure.
B. Suggestion
To develop learning English in elementary school, especially in understanding grammatical structure, the students can be begun early when children still in elementary school, in a good writing can be learned by over learning either in school or at home, minimally, the children can write in their diary about experience, school, and friends.
Additional lessons are very important role for students’ ability. The students are expected to join or follow additional lessons at school or take courses or privates. So, students are expected to more understande in learning English especially in grammatical structure.
C. Implication of SLA
1. The goal is communication skills
2. Comprehension precedes production.
3. Production emerges.
4. Activities should be acquisition activities
5. Lower affective filter more open to the input.

Reference lists
A. Scott wendy and lisbeth H. Ytreberg, 2003 “Teaching English to children” longman.
Connor J.D.O, 1967 “Better English Pronunciation” Cambridge at the University Press
Ghazali Imam, 2007 “Psycholinguistics’s Hand out” UST Yogyakarta
Harnby As “Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English “Oxford University press, 1995
Sir Randolph Quirk Professor “Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English “Longman Group UK Limited, 1987
Yulia Yuyun, 2007 “CLA and EFC hand out” UST Yogyakarta


Sebuah fenomena kehidupan untuk lari dari tanggung jawab
Kebebasan yang kebablasan telah menjadi boomerang bagi umat manusia, memang dalam setiap pikiran dan perasaan manusia yang selalu ingin merasakan kebebasan dan kebahagian dirinya akan sempurna bila ia jalani dengan orang yang dicintainya. Untuk itu, ia menempuh segala cara guna meraihnya dengan konsekuensi apapun dengan naluri romantisme dan rayuan gombal materialisme. Kondisi yang mengecewakan ini merupakan kesinambungan dari fenomena kehidupan sosial yang menyimpang.
Kota X sebagai pusat pertemuan antar manusia yang ingin menempuh pendidikan. Banyak mahasiswa yang menempuh pendidikan di daerah ini membuat para anak muda itu saling bertemu, dari pertemuan itu muncul berbagai aksi sosial baik yang mempunyai dampak positif dan juga sebaliknya. Banyak dari mereka yang berasal berbagai suku bangsa, berhasil untuk saling kenal dan menghargai satu sama lainnya.
Namun, disisi lain terjadi fenomena yang sangat mengecewakan. Terjadinya banyak praktek kumpul gebo dalam kost adalah sebuah fenomena yang sudah lumrah dikalangan mahasiswa. Ini semua terjadi karena kurangnya control diri dan adanya prinsip nafsi – nafsi (urusan privacy), jadi orang lain tidak boleh ada yang ikut campur "CUEK".
Kondisi yang mengecewakan ini terjadi karena masalah pergaulan hidup (sosial) dan masalah ekonomi. Manusia bisa berubah tergantung di mana mereka melakukan kontak sosial, jika lingkungan itu baik maka akan terbawa arus baik tapi juga sebaliknya. Fenomena sex in the kost sudah menjadi hal yang lumrah bagi mahasiswa. Disamping itu banyak juga mahasiswi yang menjajakan diri demi menyambung hidup di kota besar seperti kota X ini yang semuanya hal harus dengan uang, sementara kiriman dari orang tua masih harus menunggu awal bulan, ya mau tak mau harus banting stir dengan menjual diri pada para pria hidung belang.
Banyak mahasiswa yang menjadi ayam kampus memang harus diakui kebenarannya, karena umur mahasiswa 18-24 tahun merupakan usia matang untuk make love (kumpul kebo). Sebuah fakta kita melihat tempat yang menganut prinsip bebas masuk, bebas keluar tanpa ada control dari pemilik kost dan juga bisa dilihat di tempat remang – remang dan di pantai pada malam hari. Di tempat tersebut sangat rawan adanya kumpul kebo.
Kondisi yang mengecewakan ini adalah sebuah fenomena kehidupan untuk lari dari tanggung jawab, yang penting bagi mereka sama – sama merasa puas dan tidak merugikan orang lain. Karena jika ada ikatan pernikahan maka akan mengganggu kebebasannya dan harus ada tanggung jawab moral and materil. Bukankah kebebasan ini sudah menjadi boomerang bagi pelakunya, kalau begitu kebebasan ini dari jenis apa dan dari mana???


By: M. Agus Salim

Cobalah anda bayangkan suatu bangunan (rumah/gedung) yang sangat indah dan menarik anda disini dalam arti bangunan tersebut sudah lengkap. Berdiri diatas lahan yang luas, fondasi yang kokoh, mempunyai pagar pelindung, halaman, tiang utama penyangga bangunan, lantai, dinding – dinding diantara tiang, lampu penerang, pintu, jendela dan atap bangunan. Bangunan berwarna putih bersih dengan model yangsangat menarik berdiri diatas lahan yang bersertifikat.
Demikian pula seorang mukmin jika di lihat, sangat indah dan menarik hati. Allah mengatakan dalam surat Ali Imran 110 : kuntum khoiro ummatin uhrijat linaas = kamu adalah umat yang terbaik yang dilahirkan untuk manusia. Seorang tersebut ibarat bangunan indah di atas. Bangunan keislaman seorang tersaebut dapat di umpamakan seperti bangunan indah itu. Perumpamaan ini hanya untuk memudahkan kita melihat bangunan keislaman dalam diri kita sendiri, sudah sejauh mana komitmen keislaman kita. Allah sendiri banyak membuat perumpamaan dalam Al-Qur’an untuk memudahkan manusia memahami sesuatu..
Bangunan keislaman itu dimulai dari adanya lahan hidayah yang diberikan Allah kepada siapa saja yang Dia kehendaki. Di atas hidayah itulah dibangun suatu bangunan keislaman seseorang. Tanpa adanya hidayah ini mustahil dapat di bangun bangunan keislaman. Setelah itu diatas lahan hidayah ini pertama kali tentu dibangun suatu fondasi keimanan, jika fondasi itu kokoh maka kokoh pulalah bangunan keislaman keislaman seseorang, sebaliknya jika fondasinya rapuh maka rapuh pula bangunan tersebut. Untuk tegaknya suatu bangunan maka di perlukan tiang-tiang sholat, tanpa adanya sholat ini tak kan ada yang namanya bangunan keislaman. Dalam Al-Qur’an perintah sholat selalu digandengkan dengan perintah membayar zakat (aqimus sholata wa aatudzakaata) demikian pulalah antara tiang-tiang dengan diding-dindingnya sangat erat. Sebaga atap dari bangunan keislaman itu adalah puasa. Makin besar bangunan tersebut tentu diperlukan tiang-tiang tambahan(sholat2 sunnah), dinding yang makin banyak (infak,shodaqah) dan atap tambahan(puasa syawal,puasa senin-kamis, puasa bulan haji). Tiang, dinding, dan atap inilah yang melindungi penghuninya dari sengatan matahari, guyuran hujan atau tiupan angin/debu/daun yang beterbangan.
Sampai disini pada hakekatnya bangunan keislaman sudah terbentuk. Kualitas dari bangunan tersebut tergantung juga pada komponen2 pembentuknya. Hidayah atau luasnya lahan tergantung pada ikhtiar atau usaha seseorang, makin giat atau makin besar usaha seseorang insya Allah makin luas pula lahan atau hidayah yang diperoleh. Begitu pula fondasi, tiang, dinding dan atapnya, jika dibangun asal2an maka yang terbentuk banguanan kualitas rendah pula, seperti gubuk derita atau rumah bambu yang mudah terbakar dan terhempas badai. Jika anda sholat tapi tidak bayar zakat, ibaratnya seperti bangunan tanpa dinding, seperti sekarang banyak dijumpai gedung2 atau bangunan yang terhenti pembangunannya, hanya tiang2 saja plong. Atau seseorang tidak berpuasa, ibarat bangunan tanpa atap. Jadi ketiga komponen dasar itu mutlak harus ada. Tidak sholat, zakat dan tidak puasa, tetapi dia tetap mengaku beragama islam maka yang dia punya hanya lahan hidayah saja (mengaku islam), tetapi diatasnya belum ada bangunan keislaman sama sekali.

Sampai disini sebenarnya kita sudah bisa mengira-ngira bentuk dan dasarnya bangunan keislaman yang kita bangun. Lantai bangunan diumpamakan sebagai Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasulullah dimana penghuninya setiap berjalan dan bergerak selalu mempunyai pijakan yaitu Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Nabi. Untuk menerangi kehidupan penghuninya, dzikrullah dan shalawat nabi merupakan lampu penerang bangunan tersebut. Pintu dan jendela merupak lubang masuknya tamu-tamu tak diundang (godaan setan/jin/manusia). Pintu rumah itu adalah kesabaran dan keikhlasan, jendela adalah ilmu yang dari mana penghuninya dapat melihat dunia luar dan belajar mengetahui mana yang benar dan salah. Dengan kesabaran, keikhlasan dan ilmu penghuni dapat menangkal masuknya tamu-tamu tak diundang tersebut. Syaithan pun akan lari jika bangunan tersebut di terangi oleh lampu dzikrullah dan shalawat nabi.
Warna dan model bangunan dapat membuat siapa saja yang melihatnya tertarik. Bangunan yang bersih, kokoh dan bagus, sekilas saja dan dari kejauhan sudah tampak menarik hati banyak orang, demikian juga akhlak orang mukmin sejati, membuat teduh dan menarik hati yang melihatnya. Akhlakul karimah ini merupakan.daya pikat seorang mukmin. Seseorang yang rajin beribadah tapi sering menyakiti hati orang lain ibaratnya seperti bangunan yang warna dan modelnya tidak menarik hati.
Pagar yang mengelilingi lahan dan bangunan keislaman ibarat sebagi jihad fisbilillah, berjuang di jalan Allah. Pagar ini melindungi semua komponen yang ada didalam bangunan islam,menjamin kelangsungan dan tegaknya syiar islam. Terakhir dari bahasan ini adalah lahan tempat berdirinya bangunan keislaman ini perlu dibuat sertifikatnya dengan menunaikan ibadah haji.
Mudah-mudahan perumpamaan ini dapat mempermudah melihat posisi keberagamaan kita, sejauh mana komitmen keislaman kita dengan mengibaratkan atau membayangkan bentuk bangunannya. Jika bangunan kita masih rapuh atau belum lengkap atau tidak menarik hati maka marilah kita tingkatkan bangunan keislaman kita menjadi lebih baik dan menarik hati, bukankah kita juga sangat senang melihat rumah kita bagus dan bersih? Itulah pribadi seorang muslim / mukmin sejati, kokoh, bersih, cantik dan menarik hati.
Memang perumpamaan ini tidak seratus persen sama, tapi penulis kira sudah cukup untuk memberikan gambaran. Bedanya adalah sampai saat ini belum ada yang namnya bangunan tahan gempa kuat, misalnya 10 skala richter. Pada gempa sekuat ini seluruh bangunan insya Allah sudah ambruk hancur, tetapi beda dengan kepribadian muslim, jangankan 10 skala richter, sampai bumi ini pun runtuh dia akan tetap kokoh dan tegak berdiri, insya Allah.

Firman Allah SWT dalam surat At Taubah : 72
“ Allah menjanjikan kepada orang-orang yang mukmin laki-laki dan perempuan,(akan mendapat) surga yang dibawahnya mengalir sungai-sungai, kekal mereka didalamnya, dan (mendapat) tempat-tempat yang bagus di surga Adn. Dan keridhaan Allah adalah lebih besar, itu adalah keberuntungan yang besar.


"Pertahankanlah lima ciri khas yang akan menyelamatkan agama kamu, sedangkan kamu sendiri akan mengambil manfaat dari hal itu lebih baik dari pada nasibkamu, yaitu: Apabila datang kepadamu dua orang yang sedang bersengketa, maka kamu harus meminta bukti-bukti yang dapat dipertanggung jawabkan kebenarannya serta sumpah yang mantap. Dekatilah orang-orang yang lemah supaya mereka lebih berani memberikan keterangan, karena hatinya mantap dan lidahnya lancar. Layanilah orang asing dengan baik, karena kalau kamu tidak melayaninya, maka dia akan meninggalkan haknya dan kembali kepada keluarganya. Dia meninggalkan haknya karena tidak ada yang memberikan kasih sayang kepadanya. Lunakkanlah pandangan dan luangkan waktumu untuk orang lain. Serta semaikanlah perdamaian diantara orang-orang yang sedang menghadapi masalah yang tidak jelas." (Pesan dari Umar Ibnu Khattab)